
Thursday, February 14, 2019

Platos Repulic, book V Essay -- essays research papers fc

ABSTRACT This paper discusses the viability of certain aspects (the internal urge drafting) of Platos Republic, book V. It is college level A paper.Book V of The Republic finds Socrates explaining the practical details necessary in the creation of an specimen polis. He proposes a corpse for population control and human eugenics based on a drafting of sorts which will determine who will mate with whom and when. The lottery is rigged by the rulers in order that the best of the herd will mate much(prenominal) more frequently than others. However, only the rulers of this gild will k directly the lottery is rigged. This system will presumably assure that children will be conceived as the result of reason, non irrational behaviors such as love or lust, and will produce the best possible future generations (Plato 458d 460c). I solicit that Platos lottery would not have worked in his time, nor would it work now because the desire to propagate was and salve is a human instinct p ropelled by passion, not something that can simply be reasoned away. term Plato proposed that licentiousness would be forbidden and matrimony given the highest degree of sanctity (458e), I do not think that would be enough to stop a massive rise in sex crimes and passionate affairs. Instead of a just golf-club, Platos proposal would have created one of fear, self-doubt and insufficiency of trust in the government and is not something I would advocate implementing. piece of music we can never really know how this utopia would have played egress in Platos time, the negative effects on a society when passions are forcibly controlled can be illustrated in a raw sense by the Catholic Church and our penal system.Plato wrote that guardians would be cadaverous together by a necessity of their natures to have intercourse (458d) and yet, their sexual interludes should be limited by the use of the lottery. It is important to point protrude that since reliable and accessible birth con trol is a recent luxury, Plato was not simply advocating for selective child birth, he was talking about abstaining from heterosexual person sex unless you won the lottery. I dont think Platos lottery system would have worked out as well as he envisioned. When the less desirable of the population were consistently unlucky and unavailing to propagate year after year, what would have happened to them psychologically? Given that coitus was to be an honor bestowed upon... ...or other punishments. Whether restraint of sexual instincts are volitionally accepted or forced upon a community, the results can lead to a decidedly non-ideal situation.By looking at some modern examples, I have shown how human desire can, and often does, override reason and the law even when faced with community imposed consequences or dire punishments. While current society differs greatly from Platos Greece, people are still people and human instinct existed then just as it exists today. pile who are deni ed the ability to choose if and with whom they can have sex are liable to become irrational or turn to violent authority to reach that end, regardless of the era in which they live. In Platos ideal society these unsanctioned actions could have lead to an increased level in the publics fear for their material safety. Individuals consistently denied by the rulers to twin might develop self-worth issues and finally, a pin-prick of imperfection in this utopian society may be discovered by those who are forbidden from enjoying physical relations with those they desire or love. Works CitedPlato, The Republic. Trans. Benjamin Jowett. New York Barnes & imposing Books, 2004.

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