
Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Taylorism Essay Example for Free

Taylorism Essay Access to this document was granted through an Emerald subscription provided by UNIVERSITY OF SURREY For Authors: If you would like to write for this, or any other Emerald publication, then please use our Emerald for Authors service. Information about how to choose which publication to write for and submission guidelines are available for all. Please visit www. emeraldinsight. com/authors for more information. About Emerald www. emeraldinsight. com That aspect of the factory’s activities on which Thompson’s report focused is the inspection department described by Taylor[4,5]. He notes that in this department the women inspectors were employed at the task of inspecting ball-bearings for defects. This was work that required great skill and very close attention. When Taylor began work at the plant the women were employed ten-and-a-half hours per day. On Saturdays, a half holiday was allowed, so the women worked a 58-hour week which was the full limit allowed by law. For the first two months after piecework was introduced, the women continued to labour ten-and-a-half hours per day. It was found, however, that they had difficulty maintaining the degree of concentration required. On both day work and piecework, the inspectors became tired before the day was done. Accordingly, in August of 1897 the hours of labour were shortened from tenand-a-half to nine-and-a-half per day and a recess of five minutes was allowed in the middle of the morning and the middle of the afternoon. Notwithstanding this shortening of hours, both the quality and the quantity of output improved. Overall, the workers produced 33 per cent more work than they had the previous month. As the inspectors were still adjusting to piecework, Taylor decided it was not possible to determine to what extent the increased output was a result of the shorter hours. However, the next increase in hourly productivity he perceived as being solely the product of the reduction of worktime. Once convinced â€Å"things were working very smoothly† in the inspection department, Taylor reduced the workday to eight-and-a-half hours and increased the morning and afternoon breaks to ten minutes[8, p. ]. This hour’s reduction again had a positive effect on hourly output. The increase in productivity, however, was only sufficient to balance the reduction in hours. In other words, although overall output was maintained, it did not increase as it had in July. As output had only been maintained with the second reduction it was assumed the most efficient balance of worktime and work intensity had probably been achieved. Given this situation it was decided to leave the working day at eight-and-a-half hours and no further reductions in hours were introduced. In concluding the report, Thompson observed that it should not be believed that the eight-and-a-half hour day was an optimum that ought to be adopted in all situations. Different types of work would almost certainly require a different balance of working hours and work intensity. Knowledge of the optimum time schedule in any given case should not be presumed but should be based on careful, empirical testing. If this form of testing was undertaken, he concluded, a very substantial case could be developed for extending the reduction of working hours throughout industry: Taylorism and hours of work 11 JMH 1,2 2 It is not too much to claim †¦ that in a vast number of cases, especially in industrial establishments, the length of day might be shortened to the advantage of both the workman and the capitalist, provided that some incentive be given to the worker, such as the promise, if he is a piece-worker, that his rate per piece will not be cut if he exerts himself[8, p. 9]. A second most important observation regarding the limits of worktime reductions was also advanced. Thompson noted that logically there must be a limit to the extent to which the shortening of hours, in itself, has a positive effect on output.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Perceiving a Comic Book Cinema in Ang Lees Hulk :: Movie Film Ang Lee Hulk Essays

Ang Lee's film Hulk (2003) is based on a character whose origins lie in the world of Marvel comic books. In both versions, Bruce Banner is a repressed and unassuming scientist who, as a result of an accident involving gamma radiation, transforms into a massive green engine of destruction, known as the Incredible Hulk, whenever he becomes angry. The Hulk is the rampaging male id, unleashed by modern science upon a world unprepared for its limitless, primal fury. But as interesting as a literary analysis of the character might be – and the Hulk is rife with such possibilities – this is not where Lee's Hulk breaks any new ground. Indeed, by such standards, it is a mundane – if not, actually, a rather awful – film. But what Lee's film does that is extraordinary is its attempt to, not simply adapt the content of the comic books, but in some way translate the experience and aesthetics of the comic books onto the movie screen. In doing so, he alters the condition s of the filmic apparatus enough to warrant further examination. However, the scene under examination in the textual analysis begins fairly conventionally. This scene is relatively early in the film, before the events that unleash the Hulk occur. Bruce Krenzler/Banner (Eric Bana) comes into the office he shares with colleague and ex-romantic interest Betty Ross (Jennifer Connely) at the nuclear biomedicine laboratory. Inside, he finds that Adam Talbot (Josh Lucas), a defence contractor who is one of the film's villains, has come to pay them a visit. Talbot's presence is understood to be intrusive, as he is placed in the centre of the frame, marginalising Bruce and Betty to the the periphery in their own office (shots 1c, 3, and 5a). Furthermore, Betty's over-the-shoulder look back to Bruce as he opens the door in shot 1c seems guilty. There is something of the caught-in-the-act to the staging of Bruce's entry to the office. This establishes the tension of a romantic triangle between the three characters, which never fully emerges as a plot point, but remains as a subtext throughout the portions of the film that deal with Talbot. Betty has to leave rather quickly to attend to some generic science (shot 5), but Talbot lingers a moment to have a "man to man" conversation with Bruce. There is some obvious tension between Talbot and Bruce as he makes overtures toward acquiring their research for military applications (and the ensuing financial benefit of selling the technology). Perceiving a Comic Book Cinema in Ang Lee's Hulk :: Movie Film Ang Lee Hulk Essays Ang Lee's film Hulk (2003) is based on a character whose origins lie in the world of Marvel comic books. In both versions, Bruce Banner is a repressed and unassuming scientist who, as a result of an accident involving gamma radiation, transforms into a massive green engine of destruction, known as the Incredible Hulk, whenever he becomes angry. The Hulk is the rampaging male id, unleashed by modern science upon a world unprepared for its limitless, primal fury. But as interesting as a literary analysis of the character might be – and the Hulk is rife with such possibilities – this is not where Lee's Hulk breaks any new ground. Indeed, by such standards, it is a mundane – if not, actually, a rather awful – film. But what Lee's film does that is extraordinary is its attempt to, not simply adapt the content of the comic books, but in some way translate the experience and aesthetics of the comic books onto the movie screen. In doing so, he alters the condition s of the filmic apparatus enough to warrant further examination. However, the scene under examination in the textual analysis begins fairly conventionally. This scene is relatively early in the film, before the events that unleash the Hulk occur. Bruce Krenzler/Banner (Eric Bana) comes into the office he shares with colleague and ex-romantic interest Betty Ross (Jennifer Connely) at the nuclear biomedicine laboratory. Inside, he finds that Adam Talbot (Josh Lucas), a defence contractor who is one of the film's villains, has come to pay them a visit. Talbot's presence is understood to be intrusive, as he is placed in the centre of the frame, marginalising Bruce and Betty to the the periphery in their own office (shots 1c, 3, and 5a). Furthermore, Betty's over-the-shoulder look back to Bruce as he opens the door in shot 1c seems guilty. There is something of the caught-in-the-act to the staging of Bruce's entry to the office. This establishes the tension of a romantic triangle between the three characters, which never fully emerges as a plot point, but remains as a subtext throughout the portions of the film that deal with Talbot. Betty has to leave rather quickly to attend to some generic science (shot 5), but Talbot lingers a moment to have a "man to man" conversation with Bruce. There is some obvious tension between Talbot and Bruce as he makes overtures toward acquiring their research for military applications (and the ensuing financial benefit of selling the technology).

Monday, January 13, 2020

Management Institute Essay

In consulting Linton, there are two main components that would have to be closely analyzed: Deborah Linton’s leadership style and Lisa Benton’s ability to positively impact her new business environment. Lisa Benton is well educated and experienced in her field; yet, she allows dysfunction to distract her of her ability to contribute. Benton surrendered the power of her voice because she humbled to the intimidation perceived from her supervisor, coercive teammate, and questionable environment. LINTON MANAGEMENT PROFILE Deborah Linton is the average person in a leadership role who does not know the difference between management and leadership. Because she does not know the difference, her approach towards Lisa Benton is all wrong for the right reasons. Her initial address to Benton was out of fear versus confidence in her ability to manage a Harvard graduate. Linton’s fear warrants a close investigation of her management style, her conflict resolution, and her measurements of being a leader. Deborah Linton’s management profile has to be priority in order to accurately identify and effectively address in order to improve her effectiveness. If we were to complete a DiSC Assessment of Linton’s management style, Linton would most likely be a D (Dominance) style manager. Linton had a â€Å"sophisticated appearance and confident manner† by which she carried herself in the office. Upon meeting with Lisa Benton for the first time, Linton expresses her discontent with â€Å"MBAs [who] act like they know a lot more than they do† (Weber, 1994). This is reflective of the D style motivation of power and authority. And how blatantly noticeable Linton is  forceful and direct when addressing Benton. Immediately, she sets the tone of her position and authority by challenging Benton’s academic success with great insensitivity. Linton’s dominant management style is consistent throughout the article when she addresses Benton on a couple occasions or even her counterpart, Jack Vernon. The approach with Lisa Benton was misguided from the start which prompts the question, â€Å"Who would want to be led by [Linton]?† This question is significant because Goffee and Jones emphasize the importance of followers to leaders. They state that leaders â€Å"better know what it takes to lead effectively — they must find ways to engage people and rouse their commitment to company goals† (Jones, 2000). Linton does not give Benton any idea of the current state of the company or how she would like for her department to impact the company’s success. She did not share her vision for her department and what she expected to produce in a particular time frame. Benton had no clue as to how her role was to impact the Although Linton greeted Benton pleasantly, she negated the meeting by complaining her arrival was a week too early. Benton’s eagerness to contribute to the company’s success was not celebrated or welcomed. This attitude was perpetuated once Linton pushed-off Benton to another product manager, Ron Scoville. Linton has proven herself to be more of a manager versus a leader. Although Benton was new to the team, Linton places more importance on product management. Priority should have been placed on making sure Benton was properly trained. Linton focused her efforts on â€Å"the detailed steps that are necessary to get results† (Lecture, Wk 2). Benton felt like an intruder whenever she stepped to Linton’s office because she was refused regularly. Linton’s lack of concern towards Benton’s development further demonstrates her dominant management style. Linton not only managed with dominance, but also dealt poorly with resolving conflicts. Thomas and Kilmann would assess that Linton is unassertive and uncooperative when resolving conflict amongst subordinates. Evidenced when Linton resolved conflict between Benton and Scoville by adopting Scoville’s  perspective. She addresses Benton by stating â€Å"I understand you’re too good for copying† implying that Scoville’s assessment was accurate. According to Thomas-Kilmann, Linton sidesteps the issue and postpones dealing with the conflict. Linton expresses her knowledge of Scoville not being liked in the office despite her personal feelings towards him being â€Å"misunderstood† and â€Å"having a heart of gold.† In both instances, Linton never truly addressed or resolved the issues. She avoided the issues and encouraged Benton to do the same in the interest of results. Linton is weak in the area of emotional intelligence. She struggles in the key areas regarding emotional intelligence: Self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skill. Linton is not aware of her own emotional impact on her employees or their emotional challenges. Scoville definitely has emotional challenges made evident through his emotional outbursts with Benton. Benton herself dealt with a great deal of emotional challenges. Linton failed to recognize the emotional challenges and utilizing them to build up her team. Additionally, Linton did not motivate her team members to cooperate or collaborate. She is not able to motivate because she does not empathize with Benton. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR LINTON Using Jack Welch Winning as a mirror to Linton, there are some basic principles that must be established and practiced. First of all, Linton needs to learn her new team. She has a close relationship with Scoville; yet, she needs to consider the chemistry of the team now that Benton is on board. Instead of demeaning Benton and her education, she should set the standard for her performance by giving her a vision, a goal. Linton does not†define where she wants her team to go† (Lecture, Wk 1). Benton never received her objectives or given a set of expectations from which her performance would be measured. Linton does not know what it takes to be a leader. As mentioned previously, Linton is a manager who believes her position qualifies her as a leader. My first recommendation is for Linton to understand the difference between a manager and a leader. Kotter makes an interesting distinction between  management and leadership as being forms of coping. Kotter states that â€Å"management is about coping with complexity. Leadership, by contrast, is about coping with change† (Kotter, 2001). Linton does not cope well with the change of Benton, an MBA graduate of Harvard, joining the team. Linton needs to better understand what is characteristic of a leader. Jack Welch specifically details what leaders do. I would encourage Linton to adopt and immediately apply these rules. Of the eight rules that Welch identifies, several rules need to take precedence. â€Å"Leaders relentlessly upgrade their team.† Linton spent time pushing Benton away versus taking advantage of the time to coach her. Rule #2 states that â€Å"leaders make sure people not only see the vision, they live and breathe it.† Benton did not receive her objectives let alone understand where Linton wanted to take the company. â€Å"Leaders establish trust with candor, transparency, and credit,† as stated in Rule #4. Candor will be addressed later; yet, transparency and credit seemed none existent. Linton rarely met with Benton, let alone, allow herself to become open and transparent. In fact, Benton often felt like she was intruding. Lastly, Linton needs to apply the last couple rules of â€Å"inspiring risk taking† and â€Å"celebrating† her team members. Linton has to celebrate her team members for their contributions and skills they bring. BENTON LACK OF LEADERSHIP Lisa Benton is an experienced and educated potential leader who over-analyzes her own situation. Not that she was not qualified for the position, but the she allowed the circumstances to have a â€Å"muzzling voice† effect over her. Her prowess and proven success were immediately diminished from her first day on the job. Benton was excited about the opportunity resulting from her interview meetings with energetic employees of Houseworld. If she was to take the DiSC Assessment, Benton would definitely fall in the C (Conscientious) management style. Before even accepting the position at Houseworld, Benton based her decision not on her ability, but on which company would provide the training she felt was necessary. Benton did not have a vision to buy into or objectives to guide her efforts. Benton falls prey to her limitations of her management style by â€Å"overanalyzing† her professional situation and isolating herself with  respect to her department. Despite her professional and academic achievements, Benton went from success to failure in accepting the position at Houseworld. Benton aborted her leadership potential by committing a significant sin of leadership. She did not â€Å"give her self-confidence its due.† Jack Welch says that â€Å"self-confidence is the lifeblood of success† (Lecture, Wk 8). Benton also made the mistake of listening to rumors about Linton and Scoville having a personal relationship. This dictated her interaction with them and took away her lateral persuasion. Benton was not able to â€Å"commit to the success† of Linton. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR BENTON To sum up in one word a recommendation for Lisa Benton, believe. Benton needs to go back to believing in her own mastered knowledge and proven skills to succeed. Benton needs to identify a focus for her efforts. She attempts to invent work for herself absent of Linton’s objectives; yet, becomes extremely frustrated. Her frustration resides in Scoville’s condescending demands and Linton’s nonexistent leadership. Benton needs to follow the â€Å"10 Keys Transition Challenges.† She needs to â€Å"promote herself† to the ideal and expectations she had of herself coming into this position. Benton successfully â€Å"accelerated her learning, built alliances, and built her network† amongst colleagues outside of her department. Yet, Benton needs to step back and diagnose the situation at Houseworld so she can effectively apply her skills. Additionally, she needs to â€Å"build a good relationship with her boss, focus on strategic alignment, build her team, and secure early wins† for herself. Benton had already built the foundation of lateral leadership which she needed to trust more than fear. Because she feared it she was not able to have the influence with Linton and Scoville that was rightfully due. As suggested in the Art of Persuasion, Benton has to build â€Å"credibility† for herself by confidently performing for the reason she was hired. Then she needs to establish â€Å"shared benefits† and â€Å"memorable evidence† within her department. She has to â€Å"vividly describe a comparable situation† from her  prior professional successes. Lastly, Benton has to â€Å"show emotion† in a more passionate manner towards results and not the explosive fits of frustration. CONCLUSION Although it was not properly implemented, Benton’s performance evaluation was accurate. Linton identified that Benton possessed strengths that she refrained from using. Benton felt this was unjust because she was never really given true direction. Ultimately, Benton is well capable of performing the duties of the position she filled. Benton needed to rise to the occasion, utilize lateral authority and influence, and emphatically believe in herself despite the unfavorable environment. REFERENCES Welch, Jack,Welch, Suzy. (2005) Winning /New York : HarperBusiness Publishers Hill, Linda A. Lisa Benton (A). Harvard Business School Case 494-114, March 1994. (Revised May 1994.) Kotter, J. P. What Leaders Really Do. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1999. Thomas, K. W., & Kilmann, R. H. Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument. Mountain View, CA: Xicom, a subsidiary of CPP, Inc. 1974. DiSC Management. Profile Summary Goffee, R., Jones, G. Why should anyone be led by you? Harvard business review, Vol. 78, No. 5. (Sep 2000)

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Business Law Contract Paper - 1127 Words

CONTRACT REVIEW ASSIGNMENT Instructor: Barb Eccles Business Law 3051-FA Matthias Majerczyk Due Date: Tuesday, November-27-2012 BigCo Agreement for Exchange of Confidential Information 2) Most people who have positions in a corporation are employees under the legal entity. So, therefore Really Smart Guy is the Vice-President and an employee of BigCo Limited. BigCo can use confidential draft patent application and some confidential information to compete with III. This is according to paragraph 4, â€Å"BigCo can use III’s ideas, concepts, know-how and techniques for its own business activities to compete with III, only if III’s Information is retained in the memories of BigCo’s employees who have had access to the Information under the†¦show more content†¦And verbal disclosure of confidential information must be followed by a written summary of the conversation marked â€Å"Confidential,† and to be delivered to the recipient within thirty days of the conversation (relate to any subject matter set out in Schedule â€Å"A† herein) 7b) I think that RBI would have a harder time proving what information was covered in the RBI Agreement, if Snoopy Weasel violated the Agreement as compared to Question 6 situation. I would also like to add that III would actually have it easier to prove than RBI, because comparing the two Agreements; BigCo Agreement and RBI Agreement, the BigCo Agreement is easier to read, it is clear and there are no weird clauses and terms (except for the weird survival clause) as opposed to the RBI Agreement, which is long, too many weird terms, and sometimes the wording is unclear. 8) A waiver clause establishes the party’s ability to enforce terms of agreement in spite of that party’s silence, inaction, or certain other types of conduct under the contract. Waivers are included in agreements because it clarifies exactly what constitutes an intentional relinquishment of a contractual right by a party. 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